Hi Jon,

> Great! Now it works. I just did a “(+ 2 3 4 5)” and got 14. ;-)

Glad to hear that :)

> What’s the most important things missing? Functions or stability?

Stability is all right at the moment, though I did not do any significant

But concerning functionality, the largest part is still missing. I hope to get
the bignums done during this month (at the moment only addition, subtraction and
multiplication are done (and not tested!)).

Better say what is there instead of what is missing: You see the implemented
functions in src/glob.l in the 'symTab' structure, in the area

   # Garbage collection
   (NIL "gc" _gc)
   # Arithmetics
   (NIL "+" _add)
   # System functions
   (NIL "native" _native)
   (NIL "args" _args)
   (NIL "next" _next)
   (NIL "rest" _rest)
   ($LastSym "version" _version) )

But even those work mostly only partially. For example, except for the REPL
*all* I/O is missing. Some things like 'native' or coroutines I did only as a
skeleton, to make sure they are possible in PilVM.

What *is* done is the core of all, the PilVM compiler in src/lib/llvm.l - that
is where most work went into.

☺/ A!ex

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