On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 08:09:46AM +0200, Tomas Hlavaty wrote:
> Rowan Thorpe <ro...@rowanthorpe.com> writes:
> > parentheses are not used because as is stated at
> > https://picolisp.com/wiki/?src64 "Assembly language is not a
> > functional language, i.e. the individual instructions do not "return"
> > a value. So a fully parenthesized syntax is useless and just tedious."
> because picolisp doesn't have a compiler (program)
> it is "compiled" to the picolisp assembly manually ahead of time by Alex
> (human)

Actually, all this will change with the new PicoLisp "pil21". It is no longer
oriented to machine *instructions* like pil64, but to SSA (Static Single
Assignment) *values*.

It is a radically different approach. If there is interest, work in progress can
be seen at


or directly in


Here the sources have real PicoLisp syntax (though partially different
semantics). The compiler (in "src/lib/llvm.l") does not only use the reader, but
generates the LLVM-IR by *executing* the code (Forth is chuckling from behind).

This works by simply redefining some (not many) functions in llvm' and 'priv'

For example, the source of the 'car' function:

In pil64 it is (in "src64/subr.l")

   # (car 'var) -> any
   (code 'doCar 2)
      push X
      ld X E
      ld E ((E CDR))  # Get arg
      num E  # Need variable
      jnz varErrEX
      ld E (E)  # Take CAR
      pop X

This results in e.g. AMD/Intel asssembly (in "src64/x86-64.linux.base.s")

      .globl  doCar
      push     %r13
      mov      %rbx, %r13
      mov      8(%rbx), %r10
      mov      (%r10), %rbx
      test     $0x06, %bl
      jnz      1f
      test     $0x08, %bl
      cmovnzq  (%rbx), %rbx
      jnz      1f
      call     evListE_E
      testb    $0x06, %bl
      jnz      varErrEX
      mov      (%rbx), %rbx
      pop      %r13

Now in pil21 the source is (in "src/subr.l"):

   # (car 'var) -> any
   (de _car (Exe)
      (car (needVar Exe (eval (cadr Exe)))) )

and the result in LLVM-IR is (in "src/base.ll"):

   define i64 @_car(i64) {
   ; # (cadr Exe)
     %1 = inttoptr i64 %0 to i64*
     %2 = getelementptr i64, i64* %1, i32 1
     %3 = load i64, i64* %2
     %4 = inttoptr i64 %3 to i64*
     %5 = load i64, i64* %4
   ; # (eval (cadr Exe))
     %6 = and i64 %5, 6
     %7 = icmp ne i64 %6, 0
     br i1 %7, label %$4, label %$3
     br label %$2
     %8 = and i64 %5, 8
     %9 = icmp ne i64 %8, 0
     br i1 %9, label %$6, label %$5
     %10 = inttoptr i64 %5 to i64*
     %11 = load i64, i64* %10
     br label %$2
     %12 = call i64 @evList(i64 %5)
     br label %$2
     %13 = phi i64 [%5, %$4], [%11, %$6], [%12, %$5] ; # ->
   ; # (needVar Exe (eval (cadr Exe)))
     %14 = and i64 %13, 6
     %15 = icmp ne i64 %14, 0
     br i1 %15, label %$7, label %$8
     call void @varErr(i64 %0, i64 %13)
   ; # (car (needVar Exe (eval (cadr Exe))))
     %16 = inttoptr i64 %13 to i64*
     %17 = load i64, i64* %16
     ret i64 %17

Looks unbelievably horrible, but works ;)

☺/ A!ex

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