The "move-to-front" heuristic is equivalent to the LRU caching policy.

The "move-up-by-one" heuristic converges to LFU (least frequently used) caching 

Perhaps LFU is what you really want?

BTW, "move-up-by-one" has a side-effect on every invocation, as does 
However, you can do "move-up-by-one" only every 1/N times, and still converge 
to LFU.

At 12:55 PM 4/27/2020, Wilhelm Fitzpatrick wrote:
>I've been digging down to really understand the symbol implementation in 
>Picolisp, since symbols are used for so many purposes within the language.
>One surprising thing I learned last night is that (get ...) has a side effect! 
>It moves the key that was accessed to the head of the symbol "tail". I assume 
>this is a performance optimization to cause recently accessed properties to 
>"bubble up" to the front of the list in case they are re-accessed soon.
>A few questions:
>1. I understand why (cdr) doesn't function on a symbol (semantically it's not 
>a pair) but I'm curious why (car) is allowed to work (returning the VAL)?
>2. Is there anyway within the REPL to inspect the tail structure of the symbol 
>directly? This is mostly from curiosity.
>3. Again from curiosity, I'm wondering why the bytes of the name are seemingly 
>stored "backwards"? I'm assuming this also provides some performance 


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