> On May 2, 2020, at 14:04, Jean-Christophe Helary 
> <jean.christophe.hel...@traduction-libre.org> wrote:
>> On Apr 26, 2020, at 10:43, Alexis <flexibe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jean-Christophe Helary <jean.christophe.hel...@traduction-libre.org> writes:
>>> Thank you Alexis, and sorry to bother you about that. It was late but it's 
>>> something I could have checked myself.
>> It's no problem! As it was marked as an internal variable, it's good to err 
>> on the side of not trying to mess with it externally. :-) But i can't think 
>> of any reason it /needs/ to be internal, so it should definitely be a 
>> defcustom instead.
> Also, I was thinking that currently when you do your first C-x C-e, a 
> *picolisp* buffer opens behind the current buffer and the evaluation result 
> is sent there but it not immediately visible because the result buffer is 
> behind the edit buffer.
> It seems to me that it would be more practical to have the window split in 
> two and have the result displayed at the front (or at least in the evaluation 
> line at the bottom of the window).
> At first I was confused, I thought the command did not work properly because 
> I was not seeing the result buffer... :)

I checked the code and it seems like

  (pop-to-buffer "*picolisp*"))

is not working in inferior-plisp-run-picolisp.

I'm working with the new "tab" feature on. So that may be related.

Jean-Christophe Helary
http://mac4translators.blogspot.com @brandelune

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