Hi Shaughan,

> I have a permissions problem: When I run pil @lib/form.l+ I get:
> [/usr/lib/picoLisp/lib/form.l:2657] … @doc/form/refD.html" -- Open error:
> Permission denied ..
> Everything works fine without the +

OK. This is because only in debug mode the tail if lib/form.l is loaded:

   ### Debug ###

   (allow "!console")
   (de console @  # JS: lisp(null, "console", "Message");
      (msg (cons 'console (rest)))
      (respond) )

   (noLint 'gui)
   (noLint 'choDlg 'gui)
   (noLint 'jsForm 'action)

   (docs "@doc/form/")

Without *Dbg this is part is ignored.

> or if I run as root.

So the docs are indeed not accessible.

> ArchLinux, built from source, running from /usr/bin. @doc/form/ref has the 
> same
> owner:group as everything else in that directory (<me>:<me>), but it shipped
> with permissions 600, while everything else in the directory was 644.

Yes, should be fine, user read and write.

Can you read the files in doc/ from the shell?

☺/ A!ex

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