Hi Olaf,

Thanks for this recap, this is very nice indeed!

I would like to add the hand-made block diagram by Alex for his
documentation, very cool! Maybe we can call it pilDiagram and make it as
official diagram for PicoLisp? Lets see :)

Hi Alex,

Thank you once again for sharing your time and patiently answering our
questions, PicoLisp always surprises me with so many nice features, how I
wish I have a very good Pil knowledge enough to introduce these hidden gems
to the outside world... but I still believe someone here or you with pil21,
it will happen someday soon :)

Hi Nehal,

I'm not so sure but you mentioned about org-babel, does this help your
inquiry: https://github.com/tj64/ob-picolisp

Thanks again everyone and stay safe always, have a great weekend! Bis blad!


On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 8:51 PM Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:

> Hi Olaf,
> > I like to recap some topics/items, perhaps others can also enjoy
> > (disclaimer: there may be misunderstandings or faults in the notes!)
> Thanks a lot! This is a very good idea!
> And all correct I think.
> ☺/ A!ex
> --
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