Thanks for the summary Wilhelm!

On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 12:33 PM Wilhelm Fitzpatrick <> wrote:

> Only topics whose questioners were present were discussed, so we didn't
> talk about the interpreter only approach, holding it as a topic for future
> session.
> Alex addressed the "array avoidance" question, explaining the how arrays
> would complicate the core single data type implementation and approach of
> picolisp (that single data type being the cell). Further he talked about
> how most approaches that in other languages fall to arrays by default can
> be handled through picolisp lists, or creating more purpose built data
> structures rather than reaching for an array. Finally he showed how
> picolisp's native code interface can be used to malloc a section of heap
> memory and address it directly to create a direct access array like
> structure if that is absolutely required.
> Then the question of how picolisp interacts with Java was discussed, and
> Alex showed examples in the Pilbox, and showed the named pipe mechanism
> used to send commands to the Java side and receive responses back to the
> picolisp world.
> Olaf showed off his experimentation of using picolisp to communicate with
> JavaScript running in a browser to dynamically update SVG objects, creating
> animation. Olaf & Alex dug into some of the issues in the original
> experiment, and one source of problems was that the ServerEvent facility
> that Olaf was using only sends a single line at time to the other side.
> Olaf's motto for the evening: "when you read the picolisp documentation,
> you have to read every word"
> There may have a been a few other small topics that I am failing to
> recollect.
> -wilhelm
> On 11/6/20 8:03 AM, C K Kashyap wrote:
> As bad an excuse that it may sound, it is the truth - I messed up my alarm
> setting (AM vs PM) :) and missed the meeting.
> Could I request someone to please summarize what was discussed?
> particularly about the "interpreter only" approach. If it was not discussed
> then perhaps I can request Alex to write down his thoughts.
> Regards,
> Kashyap
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 2:59 PM Kevin Ednalino <>
> wrote:
>> Personally, I work business hours so Friday mornings I'm generally
>> unavailable (GMT).
>> I think at least one on the weekday in the afternoon/evening and one on
>> the weekend might be the most convenient with the latter more convenient
>> for non-European timezones. For example, if it's hosted on Saturday at noon
>> then it'd be roughly morning for the Americas and evening for Asia.
>> If doing 2x meetings a month, then alternating each month with the
>> weekday/weekend day might maximize availability like if someone is busy
>> during the week and/or busy during the weekend (if busy both times, just
>> have to wait untill the next meeting!):
>> Month: Week 1 / Week 2
>> Nov: Wed/Sat
>> Dec: Fri/Sun
>> Jan: Wed/Sat
>> ...
>> Or even alternate just weekends weekly between Saturday and Sunday.
>> On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 6:42 PM Alexander Burger <>
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 01:23:13PM -0500, r cs wrote:
>>> > Raw video would be welcomed.  The timing of the PilCon can be
>>> challenging
>>> > in some time zones.
>>> Independent of the recording issue, the current scheduling is not an
>>> absolute
>>> must. I did a proposal initially, and nobody complained, so we stayed
>>> with it.
>>> Should we consider a change for the future? Perhaps Saturday would be
>>> better
>>> than Friday? And/or some other UTC time(s)? Should we try some democratic
>>> decision process?
>>> ☺/ A!ex
>>> --

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