Hi Laurent,

> I just switched to pil21 because I noticed a
> bug with pil64 in “pil +” and wanted to see if
> it was corrected… (when inserting a closing
> paren, the cursor jumps to the opening one and
> freezes)

I faintly remember to have seen this too, a long time ago.

Anybody else here with a better memory? I'm not sure at the moment, but is it
perhaps that (wait) does not work? What happens if you call

   : (wait 200)

in non-debug mode? If so, it must depend on the OS.

> I notice that the history is now limited to the beginning of the session…
> “.pil/history” isn’t saved nor read anymore?

Oh, yes, sorry! There are so many strategies and preferrences for handling the
REPL history, so that it is now no longer done by default.

Instead, you can now easily manage it by yourself with the new 'history'

Pil21 reads "~/.pil/rc" at startup. You could put the lines

      (in "~/.pil/history"
         (make (while (line) (link @))) ) )

   (push1 '*Bye '(out "~/.pil/history" (mapc prinl (history))))

into "~/.pil/rc". Instead of "~/.pil/history" you can use any other name (for
example, I keep separate histories per directory).

☺/ A!ex

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