Hi all,

at PilCon three days ago we discussed about FEXPRs like

   (de <p> Prg
      (prin "<p>")
      (run Prg)
      (prin "</p>") )

   (de <div> (Col . Prg)
      (prin "<div class=\"" Col "\">")
      (run Prg)
      (prin "</div>") )

which can be called as

   (<div> "red" (<p> (prin "Text")))

giving such output:

   <div class="red"><p>Text</p></div>

One question that came up was why FEXPRs could not be replaced with normal
functions (EXPRs), simply 'pack'ing strings:

   (de <p> (Str)
      (pack "<p>" Str "</p>") )

   (de <div> (Col Str)
         "<div class=\""
         "</div>" ) )

   : (<div> "red" (<p> "Text"))
   -> "<div class=\"red\"><p>Text</p></div>"

While this would surely work, I answered that it is a big overhead to generate
the whole page as strings just to print them.

But I forgot to explain: The real reason for FEXPRs goes beyond that. They have
the power of passing executable code bodies, with arbitrary flow control, to the

To pick just a minimal example:

   (<div> "red"
      (for S '("ABC" "DEF" "GHI")
         (<p> (prin S)) )
      (prinl) )

   <div class="red">

This cannot be done with EXPRs.

☺/ A!ex

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