On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 07:09:24PM +0100, Alexander Burger wrote:
> > prin has side-effect.
> Nonsense! 'prin' *is* the only and desired effect.
> ...
> This discussion is useless.

Now I think I understand why.

Tomas misunderstood my initial mail. He did not attend PilCon, and seems to
believe we discussed implementation strategies for libraries.

This was not the case.

I talked about binding mechanisms in FEXPRs. The two functions '<p>' and '<div>'
are minimal printing abstractions. An expression like

   (prin "<p>" "Text" "</p>")

can be abstracted as

   (de <p> Prg
      (prin "<p>")
      (run Prg)
      (prin "</p>") )

   (<p> (prin "Text"))

and this was used then in nested calls to demonstrate the behavior of 'Prg's.

In a digression, the question about 'pack'ing strings came up, and I felt I had
not fully answered the question, so I clarified it in the above mail.

☺/ A!ex

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