> On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 08:32:32AM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
>> That's too bad! If poll(2) uses only 32 bits for the timeout, the maximum is 
>> 49
>> days (as opposed to the 292 million years (292MY) in 64 bits).
> Not even that! For signed 32 bits it is only 24 days :(
> Should I change the design of waitFd() to use only 32 bits?
> ☺/ A!ex

A workaround is to poll ceil(N/(2^32)) times. By the way what happens when
(timeout > 292MY)?

> The man page of poll() says "Specifying a negative value in timeout means an
> infinite timeout". -2 or any other negative number does no harm.

The OSX man page is different. Yes, only -1 means infinite timeout.

I'm also trying to fix the parser/repl but that would be on another thread.

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