I realized the source of my previous loading problem:

            (while (opt)
               (let S @
                     ((pre? "+" S)
                                 ((= "+" S) T)
                                 ((format S) @)
                                 (T (cdr (chop S))) )
                              (opt) ) ) )
->>>                 ((pre? "-" S) (load S))
                     (T (link S)) ) ) ) ) )
      1 ) )
`((pre? "-" S) (load S))` this is the offending line: it checks if the
argument string starts with a "-" to load it, but then it does not get rid
of it, so it looks for the file with a "-" prepended.

In summary, if you write `vip -@file.l hello`, it will try to load a file
named "-file.l", instead of "file.l"

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