ok, now I see how to work it with '@. It refers to the value of the first

(task -5000 (/ @ 5) N 0 (tty (println (inc 'N))))

I guess (eval (++ Prg) 1) is the idiom to let your functions use @. Though
you have to be thoughtful of how you do it. This '@ comes from the 'when,
which is the enclosing caller of the (eval (++ Prg) 1) expression.

On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 7:19 PM polifemo <brunofrancosala...@gmail.com>

> ok, I've found a way to pass an expression to eval:
> (task -5000 (* 10 100) N 0 (tty (println (inc 'N))))
> the next step is to figure a way to use @ inside that expression
> On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 7:14 PM polifemo <brunofrancosala...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm studying 'trace in @lib.l, and I've run into a question.
>> I don't understand why must 'eval be called on the second number on the
>> case that the first number is negative. I'm especially confused by giving 1
>> as an argument to 'eval. That's supposed to give you the context from which
>> to extract the value of @, but since its a number, it should never have an
>> @ to affect the result. If it was an expression, then I could understand,
>> but I've tried passing an expression as a second argument several times and
>> its always failed.
>> My question would be, why eval the second argument, and why pass a 1 to
>> eval when @ does not seem to be relevant in this context?
>> Here's the body of the 'trace function, as a refresher.
>> (de task (Key . Prg)
>>    (nond
>>       (Prg (del (assoc Key *Run) '*Run))
>>       ((num? Key) (quit "Bad Key" Key))
>>       ((assoc Key *Run)
>>          (push '*Run
>>             (conc
>>                (make
>>                   (when (lt0 (link Key))
>>                      (link (+ (eval (++ Prg) 1))) ) ) #the line that
>> confuses me
>>                (ifn (sym? (car Prg))
>>                   Prg
>>                   (cons
>>                      (cons 'job
>>                         (cons
>>                            (lit
>>                               (make
>>                                  (while (atom (car Prg))
>>                                     (link
>>                                        (cons (++ Prg) (eval (++ Prg) 1))
>> ) ) ) ) # the same pattern in another line.
>>                            Prg ) ) ) ) ) ) )
>>       (NIL (quit "Key conflict" Key)) ) )

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