Hi all,

some months ago, in the Apple App Store I stumbled over the 'iSH' App, which
 could be easily installed on iPhone 7 (iOS 14.4.2).
(uname -a in the app console shows: iSH 1.1.1 (91) Dec 21 2020)

(I did not jailbreak the iPhone - but it is from second hand
and I do not know, what others might have done to it.)

It looks like iSH is busybox for iOS - Alpine Linux and it might be able
to install packages.

emacs 26.3 does run (takes its time to startup, of course :-)  ) and
shows 536870911 as value for most-positive-fixnum  - so I think it is
32bit based.

Before I might try to dig deeper into this all - did anyone try before?

Any experiences, constraints or requirements, that may argue pro/against
picolisp on iOS?

Anyone have running a picolisp instance successfully on iOS or

Just curious,


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