
I may have encountered a possible bug, unless my understanding of @ is
incorrect. It appears the value of @ is not restored in a prog1 body when
another flow/logic statement occurs as the car of an expression within the
said prog1 body. In both cases, the correct result is returned from prog1.

Test Cases:

  (let (A0 (1)
        A1 (2 3)
        A2 'x)
    (prog1 (cdr A1)
      ((if (sym? A2) 'set 'con) A2 A0)
      # Prints T when sym? result is T (incorrect)
      # but prints (3) when sym? result is NIL (correct)
      # Expect (3) printed regardless of sym? result
      (println @)))

  (let (A0 (1)
        A1 (2 3)
        A2 (4))
    (prog1 (cdr A1)
      ((if (sym? A2) 'set 'con) A2 A0)
      # Prints T when sym? result is T (incorrect)
      # but prints (3) when sym? result is NIL (correct)
      # Expect (3) printed regardless of sym? result
      (println @)))


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