The old picolisp file structure had ~/.../lib/edit.l and .../lib/el which
is no longer the case. That functionality went somewhere else? And yet both
the melpa plist-mode and the tj64/picolisp-mode have inferior-plist.el and
inferior-picolisp.el respectively which refer to edit.l -- again, not there
anymore. This is no doubt the whole issue. For example in

..(defvar picolisp-emacs-as-editor-p nil
  "If non-nil, use `eedit.l' instead of `edit.l'.")...

(typo?) and

..             (if picolisp-emacs-as-editor-p
                 (cons "@lib/eedit.l" (cdr cmdlist))
               (cons "@lib/edit.l" (cdr cmdlist)) ) ) ) )...

(typo?) appears in both inferior*.el files. I don't know what this is about
or what the new way of doing it might be.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 3:02 PM Thorsten Jolitz <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm more or less responsable for PicoLisp in org-mode.
> Before diving any deeper, note the readme of GitHub -
> flexibeast/plisp-mode: PicoLisp support for Emacs
> <> :
> "The plisp-mode in this package has been built from scratch, and is not
> based on, nor connected with, the PicoLisp support for Emacs provided in the
> PicoLisp distribution <>, or the more
> recently updated version of that support
> <>. At this stage, the main
> advantages provided by this package are [...]"
> So you are actually in unsupported territory there, the original
> picolisp-mode which was used for ob-picolisp is this:
> GitHub - tj64/picolisp-mode: GNU Emacs mode for PicoLisp programming
> <>
> I don't think that ob-picolisp cares about pil64 or pil21, most likely the
> problems you see are related to plisp-mode itself.
> Maybe try the original mode standalone, and if that works, try it with
> org-mode.
> plisp-mode was developed by someone else, and I don't know if it was ever
> used "in production".
> Cheers
> Thorsten
> Am Mi., 30. Nov. 2022 um 16:47 Uhr schrieb Galaxy Being <
> >:
>> The problem might be with plisp-mode. It gives the same error (on "send
>> definition and go" i.e., start REPL and hand code off to it), and I think
>> ob-picolisp.el relies on plisp. In any case, you've changed your files
>> around and there is no edit.l anymore. Here's my .emacs section for
>> picolisp. ;; is commented out
>> ;; (add-to-list 'load-path "~/opt/picoLisp/lib/el")
>> ;;(load "/home/galaxybeing/.emacs.d/modes/tsm.el") ;; Picolisp
>> TransientSymbolsMarkup (*Tsm)
>> (autoload 'run-picolisp "inferior-picolisp")
>> (autoload 'plisp-mode "picolisp" "Major mode for editing Picolisp." t)
>> (require 'plisp-mode)
>> (setq picolisp-program-name "/home/galaxybeing/opt/pil21/pil")
>> (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.l$" . picolisp-mode))
>> ;; (add-hook 'picolisp-mode-hook
>> ;;    (lambda ()
>> ;;       (paredit-mode +1) ;; Loads paredit mode automatically
>> ;;       (tsm-mode) ;; Enables TSM
>> ;;       (define-key picolisp-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)
>> ;;       (define-key picolisp-mode-map (kbd "C-h")
>> 'paredit-backward-delete) ) )
>> On Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 1:09 AM Alexander Burger <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Lawrence,
>>> > Having trouble with getting picolisp to work with org-mode Babel code
>>> > blocks. I'm guessing it's because I have an out of date ob-picolisp.el
>>> > which I had to scrounge on the Internet. (Got one latest 2021.)
>>> Sorry, yes. Org-Mode is not ported to Pil21 (yet).
>>> Let us investigate a little :)
>>> ☺/ A!ex
>>> --
>> --
>> ⨽
>> Lawrence Bottorff
>> Grand Marais, MN, USA

Lawrence Bottorff
Grand Marais, MN, USA

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