On Sun, Aug 06, 2023 at 07:20:40AM +0100, Jason Vas Dias wrote:
> Wow ! I've just figured out the best execve(2) Shebang line for pil scripts:
>     $ cat myscript.l
> #!/usr/bin/pil -script (car (nth (argv) 1)) (nth (argv) 2)

Just for the records, note that

   (car (nth Lst 1))

is the same as

   (get Lst 1)

which is the same as

   (car Lst)


   (nth Lst 2)


   (cdr Lst)

>  Awesome! I've been missing something like this for ages.

I use it sometimes to set up proper namespaces:

   #!/usr/bin/pil -symbols 'ap 'pico

>  I'd suggest adding documentation of this to the 'ref.html'
>  'Invocation' section .

There are examples for this around (though not very prominent),
for example in


there is

   #!/usr/bin/pil -load "@lib/http.l" "@lib/xhtml.l"

☺/ A!ex

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