Got it - I'll just use non-transient symbols like 'A instead :)

Thanks Alex!

On Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 12:02 PM Alexander Burger <>

> Hi Kashyap,
> > kashyap@CPC-ckk-S75640M:~$ cat a.l
> > (de add (N D)
> >    (put 'STORE N D) )
> > (add "A" 10)
> > (add "B" 20)
> > (prinl (get 'STORE "A"))
> > (prinl (get 'STORE "B"))
> > kashyap@CPC-ckk-S75640M:~$ pil a.l
> > 10
> > 20
> > : (get 'STORE "A")
> > -> NIL
> > : version
> > -> 274406
> >
> > Shouldn't I get 10 as a result of (get 'STORE "A") from the REPL?
> No, because transient symbols like "A" and "B" have a file-local scope
> (just
> like symbols in the 'private' namespace).
> Property functions like 'put' and 'get' access the value by the symbol
> itself
> (using pointer equality, '=='), not by the name. So the "A" in
>    (get 'STORE "A")
> in the REPL *after* the file is loaded is another symbol than the "A" in
> the
> file *while* it is loaded.
> ☺/ A!ex
> --

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