I think for speed learning/getting used to should be big factor. Also
working out correct sensitivity in settings. Autocomplete I was not
thinking too much about it esp llm, but could be (what I would consider
weird), option, but you'd need to setup your own llm server most likely :)
I was thinking just basic dict based completion like on regular keyboards.
Arrows are on right double tap, they are shown in intro, and if you open
intro video in youtube (play store is a bit of an ass... that it does not
provide direct link, but if you right click on video you get the link)
You'll see bunch of links to more detailed use guide and settings, as well
as summary sheet of use. (again play store is ass and does not allow

On Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 3:40 PM <picolisp@software-lab.de> wrote:

> I like carrot. I am looking forward for more polished version. I will
> gladly pay.
> Carrot has smoother learning curve than penti.
> Carrot takes less brain space.
> I can operate carrot with one hand.
> Carrot have less throughput than penti, which can be fixed with personal
> llm auto complete.
> I miss arrows on carrot, my mistake?
> Razzy
> e-mails are unreliable comm anyway. Shall we move to matrix?
> -------- Original Message --------
> On Mar 13, 2024, 18:30, Alexander Burger < picolisp@software-lab.de>
> wrote:
> Hi Edgaras, thanks for your work! On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 06:55:27PM
> +0200, Edgaras Šeputis wrote: > Who is writing here actually? Alex? No, not
> me. Strange that there is no name ... ☺/ A!ex -- UNSUBSCRIBE: mailto:
> picolisp@software-lab.de?subject=Unsubscribe

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