Hello, Picolisp beginner here.

I wrote a small script to generate and print the values of sine wave, as

#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(load "@lib/math.l")
(def 'pi2 (+ pi pi))

(co 'masterOut
(let (Step 0.001 Position 0)
(yield (sin (*/ pi2 Position 1.0)))
(inc 'Position Step)
(setq Position (% Position 1.0)))))

(for N 44100 (printsp (co 'masterOut T)))


This script runs correctly and prints the first 44100 values of the sine
wave. However, when I increase the number on the next-to-last row tenfold
(from 44100 to 441000), the script produces a segmentation fault (after
printing lots of "(" parentheses) on line 13 (the "for" loop). What am I
doing wrong?


-- František Fuka

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