On 23 Oct, 16:41, Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Is it possible to communicate between my vim buffer and the commander
> (shell prompt) ?
> For example if I want to send the current line, word or selection of
> my vim buffer to the shell prompt.

In theory, this is completely possible. (but I haven't tried it).

The vim interface (over dbus) has the function get_current_word()
which will return the current word.

And the VTE terminal has  feed_child(str) which will pass the string
to the child process.

Of course you may have to add some API here or there to join the ends
up. But that's the theory.

> And more tricky if I'm doing some debugging of my ugly scientist
> python script with ipython is it possible to send to ipython  the
> current line, word or selection of my vim buffer ?

If the ipython is running in the VTE, it should be possible as above.

> if someone has an idea ...
> Thanks
> Francois

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