Thanks Bernard,

Excuse my english it's not fluent ... try to do my best.
I'm talking about the possibility to view in the Project panel the
name of the project and just below (in a tree view) the directory,
subdirectory and the files which belong to this project.

For example:

- Project Foo
  - Dir Titi
    File 1
    File 2
    File 3
    - Subdir Toto
      File 4
      File 5
    + Subdir Tata

Hope it's more clear now ...

We can perhaps just only show the files without the dir/subdir tree
and add an option for this.

Let me know if you understand me correctly


On 25 nov, 17:31, Bernard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 2008-11-25 at 07:35 -0800, Francois wrote:
> > Is there a way to have and see a tree view of files/dir/subdir
> > belonging to a project in the project panel. Something like a merge
> > between the current project plugin and the bookmark plugin.
> > Is these feature already available or must I post a ticket for
> > this ...
> I'm not sure I understand what you want, but afaict, there's no
> such feature. You can try to code it as a new plugin, or make a
> ticket... but try to tell us more, through use cases for example.
> --
> Bernard Pratz
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