Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Pig Wiki" for change 

The "HowToRelease" page has been changed by daijy.


  cd build
  md5sum pig-X.Y.Z.tar.gz > pig-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.md5
+  4. If you do not have a gpg key pair, do the following steps:
+    a. Generating key pair using the following command. You can simply accept 
all default settings and give your name, email and Passphase. {{{
+ gpg --gen-key
+ }}}
+    a. Export your public key. {{{
+ gpg --armor --output pubkey.txt --export 'Your Name'
+ }}}
+    a. Open pubkey.txt, copy the full text and append it to the following 
files by pasting, then commit these changes: {{{
+ }}}
+    a. Upload updated KEYS to Apache. {{{
+ scp KEYS
+ }}}
+    a. Export your private key, keep it with you. {{{
+ gpg --export-secret-key -a "Your Name" > private.key
+ }}}
-  4. Sign the release (see 
Guide to Mirroring Releases]] for more information). [TODO: add details on how 
to generate and store keys]{{{
+  5. Sign the release (see 
Guide to Mirroring Releases]] for more information). {{{
  gpg --armor --output pig-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig pig-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
+  6. Verify gpg signature. {{{
+ gpg --import KEYS  (if necessarily)
+ gpg --verify pig-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.asc pig-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
+ }}}
-  5. Copy release files to a public place (usually into public_html in your 
home directory):{{{
+  7. Copy release files to a public place (usually into public_html in your 
home directory):{{{
  ssh mkdir public_html/pig-X.Y.Z-candidate-0
  scp -p pig-X.Y.Z.tar.gz*
  cd ..
-  6. Call a release vote. The initial email should be sent to 
``. Make sure to attache rat report to it. Here is a 
sample of email: {{{
+  8. Call a release vote. The initial email should be sent to 
``. Make sure to attache rat report to it. Here is a 
sample of email: {{{
  From: Olga Natkovich [] 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 3:59 PM
@@ -170, +191 @@

   6. Update the front page news in 
   7. Update the release news in 
-  7. Update the documentation links in 
+  8. Update the documentation links in 
-  8. Copy in the release specific documentation {{{
+  9. Copy in the release specific documentation {{{
      cd publish
      mkdir docs/rX.Y.Z
-     cp -pr <releasebuilddir>/build/docs/* publish/docs/rX.Y.Z/
+     cp -pr <releasedir>/docs/* publish/docs/rX.Y.Z/
      svn add publish/docs/rX.Y.Z
-  9. Regenerate the site, review it and commit in HowToCommit.
+  10. Regenerate the site, review it and commit in HowToCommit.
-  10. Deploy your site changes.{{{
+  11. Deploy your site changes.{{{
  cd /www/
  svn up
-  10. Wait until you see your changes reflected on the Apache web site.
+  12. Wait until you see your changes reflected on the Apache web site.
-  11. Send announcements to the user and developer lists as well as 
(``) once the site changes are visible. {{{
+  13. Send announcements to the user and developer lists as well as 
(``) once the site changes are visible. {{{
  Pig  team is happy to announce Pig X.Y.Z release. 
  Pig is Hadoop subproject which provides high-level data-flow language and 
execution framework for parallel computation on Hadoop clusters.
@@ -192, +213 @@

  The highlights of this release are ... The details of the release can be 
found at
-  12. In JIRA, mark the release as released.
+  14. In JIRA, mark the release as released.
     a. Goto JIRA and click on Administration tab.
     a. Select the Pig project.
     a. Select Manage versions.
@@ -200, +221 @@

     a. If a description has not yet been added for the version you are 
releasing, select Edit Details and give a brief description of the release.
     a. If the next version does not exist (that is, if you are releasing 
version 0.x, if version 0.x+1 does not yet exist) create it using the Add 
Version box at the top of the page.
-  13. In JIRA, mark the issues resolved in this release as closed.
+  15. In JIRA, mark the issues resolved in this release as closed.
     a. Goto JIRA and click on the Find Issues tab.
     a. In the left hand Edit section, set Project to Pig, and click the "Click 
here" in the blue box that says "Newly selected projects..."
     a. In Fix For select the version you are releasing.
@@ -213, +234 @@

     a. Select "Close Issue" radio button and click on "Next"
     a. Uncheck the box near the bottom at says "Send mail for this update" 
lest you spam every Pig developer with a message for every bug resolved in this 
release.  Click "Next".
     a. Click "Confirm".  Don't worry if it gives you a HTTP 500 error, it 
still does the transitions.
+  16. Update jdiff for next release (step 16 to 19). {{{
+    svn co
+ }}}
+  17. Open build.xml. Change this line: {{{
+ <property name="jdiff.stable" value="X.Y-1.Z"/>
+ To
+ <property name="jdiff.stable" value="X.Y.Z"/>
+ }}}
+  18. Copy jdiff comparison base to trunk {{{
+ cp {releasedir}/lib/jdiff/pig_X.Y.Z.xml lib/jdiff
+ }}}
+  19. {{{
+ svn add lib/jdiff/pig_X.Y.Z.xml
+ svn remove lib/jdiff/pig_X.Y-1.Z.xml
+ svn commit -m "Jdiff change for X.Y.Z"
+ }}}
  [TODO Need to integrate javadoc into this.]

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