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The following page has been changed by CorinneC:

   1. Review [#Pig_Script_1 Pig Script 1] and [#Pig_Script_2 Pig Script 2].
   1. Copy the excite.log.bz2 file from the pigtmp directory to the DFS 
- $ hadoop dfs –copyFromLocal excite.log.bz2 .
+ $ hadoop fs –copyFromLocal excite.log.bz2 .
   1.#4 Set the HADOOPSITEPATH environment variable to the location of your 
hadoop-site.xml file.
   1. Execute the following command (using either script1-hadoop.pig or 
@@ -72, +72 @@

   1.#6 Review the result files (located in either the script1-hadoop-results 
or script2-hadoop-results DFS directory):
- $ hadoop dfs -ls script1-hadoop-results
+ $ hadoop fs -ls script1-hadoop-results
- $ hadoop dfs -cat 'script1-hadoop-results/*' | less
+ $ hadoop fs -cat 'script1-hadoop-results/*' | less

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