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The following page has been changed by EdChi:

The comment on the change is:
fixed typo

  ==== Nested Operations in FOREACH...GENERATE ====
- If one of the fields in the input relation is a data bag, the nested data bag 
can be treated as an '''inner''' or a '''nested relation'''. Consequently, in a 
FOEACH...GENERATE statement, we can perform many of the operations on this 
nested relation that we can on a regular relation. 
+ If one of the fields in the input relation is a data bag, the nested data bag 
can be treated as an '''inner''' or a '''nested relation'''. Consequently, in a 
FOREACH...GENERATE statement, we can perform many of the operations on this 
nested relation that we can on a regular relation. 
  The specific operations that we can do on the nested relations are 
[#FILTER:_Getting_rid_of_data_you_are_not_interested_in_ FILTER], 
[#ORDER:_Sorting_data_according_to_some_fields ORDER], and 
[#DISTINCT:_Eliminating_duplicates_in_data DISTINCT]. Note that we do not allow 
FOREACH...GENERATE on the nested relation, since that leads to the possibility 
of arbitrary number of nesting levels. 

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