Chris Olston answered this a while back:

(by the way, MarkMail is awesome for searching mailing list archives. Highly

There are some changes that have to do with sampling and multi-store, but
that email will give you the general idea.

Also, remember you can always get the MR plan by running "describe" on a

Hope this helps

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 6:24 PM, zhang jianfeng <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I found that the following script will be converted into 3 mapreduce jobs:
> A = *LOAD* '/user/zjffdu/input.txt' *USING* PigStorage();
> B = *GROUP* A *BY* $0;
> B = *FOREACH* B *GENERATE* *group*,COUNT($1);
> B = *ORDER* B *BY* $1;
> *DUMP* B;
> I am very interested to know How Pig compile the script to jobs, reading
> the
> source code is a way, but If there’s any document, that would be better.
> Does anyone know where can I find the related documents ? Or is there any
> JIRA item related to this ?
> Thank you in advance.
> Jeff Zhang.

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