Looks like the join/cogroup/group is not defined on bags. I assume this is
because the equality on bags is not defined.

It gives the error in map-reduce mode, but does not in local mode.
Since pig is likely to get rid of custom local mode implementation and use
hadoop local mode and that should fix it, I am not filing a jira.

On 11/2/09 9:19 AM, "Thejas Nair" <te...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

> I could not find any documentation (in piglatin manual) on what the
> definition of equality of bags is (or what it should be), does the order of
> tuples in the bag matter ? But the definition of a bag does not imply any
> ordering.
> This has implication on the definition of join/cogroup/group on bags.
> Thanks,
> Thejas

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