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2010/2/5 jian yi <>

> What's the architecture of Zebra? Do it depend on Pig and HDFS? Please
> help.
> I hope it's following:
>  DFS is better for unstructed data, but DTS (not bigtable) is better for
> structed data, data warehouse is structed, so I think a table is better
> than
> a file. DTS is following:
>  1. Break a logic big table into a many physical small table
>  2. The same size blocks is not necessary
>  3. The order of blocks is not  necessary
>  4. Only store structed data
>  5. Support block indexes
>  6. Support deleting and updating
>  7. The interfaces are SQL, but only a block
>  8. Spliting a table horizontally and vertically is supported at the
> same time
>  9. 。。。

Best Regards

Jeff Zhang

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