I am using PIG and this is what I am trying to do this:

1) Sort a relation A into B by a field x. The smallest value of x is first.
Just use SORT.

2) Label each tuple in B with a number denoting its order in the sorted
relation. So the first tuple would be labeled with a 1, the second tuple
with a 2, the third with a 3 and so on. Not certain how to do this.

3) Derive a relation C where each row is a bag of tuples. The first row
contains the first n1 tuples from relation B, the second row contains the
tuples from B labeled (n1 + 1) to n2 from, the third row contains the tuples
from B labeled (n2 + 1) to n3 and so on to n100. This step is simple (just
use filter) once we've labeled each tuple in B with a number.

The question: how do I do step 2)?


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