Jordan Justen <> writes:

> git:// shader_runner-time-v1
> I think shader_runner could be an easy way to develop
> quick micro-benchmarks when working on performance.
> I found shader_runner only required a few tweaks to
> be usable for this with depth clears.
> I'm not suggesting (at least in this series), that
> we add any micro benchmark scripts to the tree. Rather
> I would just like to make it possible to write such
> scripts for shader_runner.
> The last patch in this series provides an example
> usage, but I don't want that patch to be added to piglit.

I don't think we should add this to shader_runner.  You spent more code
putting this in shader_runner than it would have taken to just hack
something up standalone, and shader_runner is already a frankenstein.  I
do most of my throwaway microbenchmarks in the mesa-demos repo.

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