Quoting Marek Olšák (2018-05-30 14:14:35)
> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 4:21 PM, Dylan Baker <dy...@pnwbakers.com> wrote:
>     Quoting Marek Olšák (2018-05-30 13:04:47)
>     >      single = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(1)
>     > -    multi = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool()
>     > +    if not jobs or jobs < 0:
>     > +        jobs = os.cpu_count()
>     > +    multi = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(jobs)
>     If you set processes=None instead of processes=-1 by default we can drop
>     the if
>     statement above, when processes == None, os.cpu_count() is used
>     automatically by
>     Pool class.
> Did you mean jobs?

Yes, the first argument to multiprocessing.dummy.Pool() is "processes", so in
this case jobs == process. Sorry for the confusion.


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