Hello Michael,

On 2018-10-07 13:03, Michael Mansour wrote:

I'd like to look at exporting emails from the old and into the new,
based on emails for all the domain instead of defining email

well, pilerexport can do that. Go to a directory where piler has write
access, and expect many eml files in the directory. Perhaps it's better
to export a day/week/month or so emails at a time, zip them, and transfer
them to new host to import.

As another question, will the import honour the _new_ retention times
on the domain? the old ones I didn't put a retention time on one or
two of the domains, on the new server I wish to set a limit so that
potentially emails can be pruned after 5 years (for some domains).

pilerimport uses the settings on the given host ('new' in your case),
so it's possible to set 5 years retention. Note that pilerexport doesn't
export the set retention time.


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