Hello Janos,

thanks for your help.
I checked everything according to your hints.
All permissions were set correctly and after connecting to the database on both 
systems they were completely the same.   

I told you that no emals were shown in the auditor interface.
After resetting the cache on all systems all older mails were shown but not 
todays email.
I tried a „reindex -a“ an after the reindexing cronjob all - even todays email 
- were shown.

Wonderful, thanks again :-)

> Am 16.04.2020 um 08:24 schrieb s...@acts.hu:
> Hello,
> your scripts look fine by looking. Do the following to troubleshoot
> the issue:
> check the permissions on /var/piler, piler should be able read it,
> then /var/piler/sphinx dir and its contents must be read-writable
> for piler.
> When you start searchd, verify that searchd runs as user piler, and
> can read all the index files. It prints the indices it just read.
> Then try connecting to searchd: mysql -h -P9306, and
> run "select * from main1;". It should print 20 hits or so.
> Janos
> On 2020-04-16 03:07, BKH-Netz.de - Postfach wrote:
>> Hi Janos,
>> i’m trying to gat a working backup / restore script for my piler 
>> installations.
>> But my efforts are more or less without a success …
>> Perhaps you can give me a slight hint?
>> My backup script looks like this:
>> - - - - - - -
>> systemctl stop rc.piler.service
>> systemctl stop rc.searchd.service
>> tar -cpzf SOMEVZ/piler.tar.gz -C /usr/local/etc/piler .
>> tar -cpzf SOMEVZ//pilerstore.tar.gz -C /var/piler/store/00 .
>> tar -cpzf SOMEVZ/sphinx.tar.gz /var/piler/sphinx/main[1-4]*
>> mysqldump --single-transaction -h localhost -piler -p'mysecretpw'
>> piler > SOMEVZ/pilerdb.sql
>> systemctl start rc.piler.service
>> systemctl start rc.searchd.service
>> - - - - - - -
>> My restore script looks like this:
>> - - - - - - -
>> systemctl stop rc.piler.service
>> systemctl stop rc.searchd.service
>> rm -r /usr/local/etc/piler
>> rm -r /var/piler/store/00
>> rm /var/piler/sphinx/main[1-4]*
>> mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/piler
>> mkdir -p /var/piler/store/00
>> tar -xpzf SOMEVZ/piler.tar.gz -C /usr/local/etc/piler
>> tar -xpzf SOMEVZ//pilerstore.tar.gz -C /var/piler/store/00
>> tar -xpzf SOMEVZ/sphinx.tar.gz -C /
>> mysql -h localhost -upiler -p'mysecretpw' piler < SOMEVZ/pilerdb.sql
>> systemctl start rc.piler.service
>> systemctl start rc.searchd.service
>> - - - - - - -
>> All imported mails (figures) are show correctly inside the admin interface.
>> Searching for mail in the auditor interface shows no emails at all.
>> I guess this is a problem with sphinx database but i cant figure out …
>> Can you give me a little help on this please?
>> HW

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