
I run here the latest piler version, on debian 10 and I have the problem, that after a restart piler is not saving anymore the emails. I had this now multiple times, and I think it have to do with the *piler.pid* file.

I saw now many time in *systemctl status piler*:


   Dez 14 12:37:47 piler piler[530]: reloaded config:
   Dez 14 12:37:47 piler piler[530]: piler 1.3.9, build 998 starting
   Dez 14 12:37:47 piler systemd[1]: piler.service: Can't open PID file
   /run/piler/piler.pid (yet?) after start: No such file or directory
   Dez 14 12:37:47 piler systemd[1]: Started Piler daemon.

I try to change the path from pid file in piler.conf and in the service file, and when I restart the service it can happen, that this error disappear. But after next reboot it comes again.

On default path to /var/run/piler/piler.pid, the file would also exists, so why the service is not finding the pid file, I don't know.

When emails are coming in, piler-smtp will notice it.

Have you any suggestions?

Best regards


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