Hello Hugo,

thank you for the pacthes. Have you tried to use imapfetch.py with python3? Also can you track what happens or at what point pilerimport stucks? Anything
relevant in the mail logs?

I've just re-run the import test, and pilerimport has properly updated the
import table.


On 2021-01-25 13:27, Hugo Alvarez wrote:

We have installed Piler 1.3.10 and we cannot get imap importing (Lotus
Domino server) from GUI. Here is what we have been able to trackdown
so far:

1 - In read_folder_list we had to decode to utf-8  the case for the
tupple type. A type missmatch error would occur otherwise:

        elif isinstance(folder, type(())):
            folder = re.sub(r'\{\d+\}$', '',
folder[0].decode('utf-8')) + folder[1].decode('utf-8')

2 - Domino's Imap server returns a backslash the field separator:

[b'(\\Noinferiors \\HasNoChildren) "\\\\" Inbox', b'(\\Noinferiors
\\HasNoChildren) "\\\\" Trash', b'(\\HasNoChildren) "\\\\" Drafts',
b'(\\HasNoChildren) "\\\\" Sent']

Which does not match against the exiting regexp in read_folder_list in
imapfetch.py. This is fixed adding the backslash to the regexp:  f =
re.split(r' \"[\/\.\\]+\" ', folder)

3 - We are using python 2.7.5 under Centos 7.9.2009 which seens to
have a bug in imaplib's _checkquote(), which prevents folder names
with special characters from being correctly escaped making
imapfetch.py to fail. We fixed this by using a  sane _checkquote()
version from a previous imaplib. Maybe there is a cleaner solution ...

    result.append(_checkquote(conn, f[1]))

4 - In process_folder, empty emails will fail when trying to write to
disk. This is fixed by checking for a tupple:

        for num in data[0].split():
            rc, data = conn.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')
            if opts['verbose']:
                print(rc, num)
            if isinstance(data[0], tuple):
                opts['counter'] += 1
                with open("{}.eml".format(opts['counter']), "wb") as
f:                    f.write(data[0][1])

We could make it work with these changes, but pilerimport -T does not
seem to mark the fields 'updated' or 'finished' in the import table,
so subsequent executions of import.sh starts the whole process again
(failing the import due to duplicates).

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