Hello everyone,

a few weeks ago 2 of our Piler instances began segfaulting - more precisely, several times per month (but not every day night) at about 02:30 am local time the MS Exchange server that has the Piler instance setup as journaling target connects to piler-smtp, upon which piler-smtp segfaults after trying to store an email that clearly doesn't get parsed correctly by piler-smtp as it is represented as gibberish (and gibberish cannot be renamed...)

See below for a few of the latest examples. Interestingly, the SIGSEGV did not happen Sunday and Monday night, meaning the day following a non-weekday? Not going on long enough that I could call it a pattern, but in any case it would be nice if piler-smtp didn't segfault in the first place.

What can I do to supply more useful information to get this fixed? Or has there been meaningful work on piler-smtp in the meantime that this could / would've already been fixed?

Thanks, Patrick

Feb  4 02:30:01 hostname CRON[24428]: (piler) CMD (/usr/bin/find /var/www/piler/tmp -type f -name i.\* -exec rm -f {} \;) Feb  4 02:30:01 hostname CRON[24430]: (piler) CMD (/usr/bin/find /var/piler/error -type f|wc -l > /var/piler/stat/error) Feb  4 02:30:01 hostname CRON[24429]: (piler) CMD (/usr/local/libexec/piler/indexer.main.sh) Feb  4 02:30:01 hostname CRON[24431]: (piler) CMD (/usr/bin/indexer --quiet note1 --rotate) Feb  4 02:30:01 hostname CRON[24436]: (piler) CMD (/usr/bin/indexer --quiet tag1 --rotate)
Feb  4 02:30:01 hostname piler: INDEXER INFO: merging to main started
Feb  4 02:30:01 hostname CRON[24426]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output) Feb  4 02:30:01 hostname CRON[24425]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output) Feb  4 02:30:20 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1) Feb  4 02:30:20 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: connected from on fd=9 (active connections: 2) Feb  4 02:30:20 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: disconnected from on fd=6 (1 active connections) Feb  4 02:30:20 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: disconnected from on fd=9 (0 active connections) Feb  4 02:30:27 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1)
Feb  4 02:32:18 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: client timeout
Feb  4 02:32:18 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: disconnected from on fd=6 (0 active connections)
Feb  4 02:32:18 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: Removing 6KHX6ZMY7OD1R0KG
Feb  4 02:32:18 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: received: <A4><BD>#013}^?, from=, size=4940, client=, fd=6 Feb  4 02:32:18 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: ERROR: couldn't rename <A4><BD>#013}^? to 2/ <A4><BD>#013}^? (reason: no such file or directory) Feb  4 02:32:18 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: got signal: 11, Segmentation fault
Feb  4 02:32:18 hostname piler-smtp[1144]: piler-smtp has been terminated
Feb  5 02:32:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1) Feb  5 02:32:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: connected from on fd=9 (active connections: 2) Feb  5 02:32:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: disconnected from on fd=6 (1 active connections) Feb  5 02:32:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: disconnected from on fd=9 (0 active connections) Feb  5 02:33:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1) Feb  5 02:33:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: connected from on fd=9 (active connections: 2) Feb  5 02:33:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: disconnected from on fd=6 (1 active connections) Feb  5 02:33:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: disconnected from on fd=9 (0 active connections) Feb  5 02:34:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1) Feb  5 02:34:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: connected from on fd=9 (active connections: 2) Feb  5 02:34:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: disconnected from on fd=6 (1 active connections) Feb  5 02:34:15 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: disconnected from on fd=9 (0 active connections) Feb  5 02:34:29 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1) Feb  5 02:35:01 hostname CRON[30058]: (piler) CMD (/usr/bin/find /var/piler/error -type f|wc -l > /var/piler/stat/error) Feb  5 02:35:01 hostname CRON[30060]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1) Feb  5 02:35:01 hostname CRON[30059]: (piler) CMD (/usr/local/libexec/piler/indexer.delta.sh) Feb  5 02:35:01 hostname CRON[30063]: (piler) CMD (/usr/bin/find /var/www/piler/tmp -type f -name i.\* -exec rm -f {} \;) Feb  5 02:35:01 hostname piler: INDEXER ERROR: indexer merging to main index is already running. It started at Fr 5. Feb 02:30:01 CET 2021
Feb  5 02:35:51 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: client timeout
Feb  5 02:35:51 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: disconnected from on fd=6 (0 active connections)
Feb  5 02:35:51 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: Removing LYLJITGU9CLG714L
Feb  5 02:35:51 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: received: <C4>#035<DB>#^?, from=, size=4940, client=, fd=6 Feb  5 02:35:51 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: ERROR: couldn't rename  <C4>#035<DB>#^? to 2/ <C4>#035<DB>#^? (reason: no such file or directory) Feb  5 02:35:51 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: got signal: 11, Segmentation fault
Feb  5 02:35:51 hostname piler-smtp[28329]: piler-smtp has been terminated
Feb  6 02:32:19 hostname kernel: [54858.889863] ret_from_fork+0x35/0x40
Feb  6 02:32:58 hostname piler-smtp[932]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1) Feb  6 02:32:58 hostname piler-smtp[932]: disconnected from on fd=6 (0 active connections) Feb  6 02:32:58 hostname piler-smtp[932]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1) Feb  6 02:32:58 hostname piler-smtp[932]: disconnected from on fd=6 (0 active connections) Feb  6 02:32:58 hostname piler-smtp[932]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1)
Feb  6 02:33:37 hostname piler-smtp[932]: client timeout
Feb  6 02:33:38 hostname piler-smtp[932]: disconnected from on fd=6 (0 active connections)
Feb  6 02:33:38 hostname piler-smtp[932]: Removing 2C8S47TCJPA3JY1B
Feb  6 02:33:38 hostname piler-smtp[932]: received: d<A0>#022#020^?, from=, size=4938, client=, fd=6 Feb  6 02:33:38 hostname piler-smtp[932]: ERROR: couldn't rename d<A0>#022#020^? to 2/ d<A0>#022#020^? (reason: no such file or directory)
Feb  6 02:33:38 hostname piler-smtp[932]: got signal: 11, Segmentation fault
Feb  6 02:33:38 hostname piler-smtp[932]: piler-smtp has been terminated
Feb  9 02:37:54 hostname piler-smtp[817]: connected from on fd=6 (active connections: 1)
Feb  9 02:39:00 hostname systemd[1]: Starting Clean php session files...
Feb  9 02:39:00 hostname systemd[1]: Started Clean php session files.
Feb  9 02:39:01 hostname CRON[31441]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/lib/php/sessionclean; fi) Feb  9 02:39:01 hostname CRON[31442]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && /usr/lib/php5/se
ssionclean /var/lib/php5 $(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime))
Feb  9 02:39:13 hostname piler-smtp[817]: client timeout
Feb  9 02:39:13 hostname piler-smtp[817]: disconnected from on fd=6 (0 active connections)
Feb  9 02:39:13 hostname piler-smtp[817]: Removing F8BS7OAUXENUK2W1
Feb  9 02:39:13 hostname piler-smtp[817]: received: <84><CA><CA><FB>^?, from=, size=4940, client=, fd=6 Feb  9 02:39:13 hostname piler-smtp[817]: ERROR: couldn't rename <84><CA><CA><FB>^? to 2/ <84><CA><CA><FB>^? (reason: no such file or directory)
Feb  9 02:39:13 hostname piler-smtp[817]: got signal: 11, Segmentation fault
Feb  9 02:39:13 hostname piler-smtp[817]: piler-smtp has been terminated
Feb  9 02:39:44 hostname piler[827]: 6/BYGS1XC5QYVNUFK0: 400000006021e6f93527cf9c0084b50d9de2, size=4940/1936, attachments=0, reference=, message-id=<4DZQRr2C3Rz5vSM@mailrelay.intern>, retention=7350, folder=0, delay=240.2417, status=stored


root@hostname:~# piler -V
piler 1.3.5, build 997, Janos SUTO <s...@acts.hu>         // ready-made RPM on the Piler website

Build Date: Tue Oct 8 21:29:23 CEST 2019
ldd version: ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.27-3ubuntu1) 2.27
gcc version: gcc version 7.4.0 (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1)
OS: Linux hostname 4.15.0-65-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 17 17:06:04 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Configure command: ./configure --localstatedir=/var --with-database=mysql --enable-starttls --enable-tcpwrappers
MySQL client library version: 5.7.33
Extractors: /usr/bin/pdftotext /usr/bin/catdoc /usr/bin/catppt /usr/bin/xls2csv /usr/bin/unrtf /usr/bin/tnef

root@hostname:~# piler-smtp -V
1.3.5 build 997
root@hostname:~# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Release:        18.04
Codename:       bionic

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