Hello Gerd,

the compose file sets RT=1 (=realtime index). It means you should not
run the indexer scripts any longer. Try the following:

Run "pilerconf -q rtindex", and verify the output is rtindex=1

Then run mysql -h0 -P9306 <<< "show tables", and verify that you
can see rt table(s). Then run mysql -h0 -P9306 <<< "select * from piler1",
and you should see some hits.

Janos SUTO

On 2024-03-03 17:59, Gerd Wilhelm wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I want to install a new Server, but i do not arrive in getting the indexing to work.

I have chosen to run piler as a docker container and have used


After starting with "docker-compose up" piler seems to run, i can connect to the Web-Interface and i can log in with the default credentials.

If i import mails, the counter "Processed Mails" on the Health Monitor pageĀ  increases as expected.

But if i log in as auditor i do not find any mail.

if i enter the docker container with

"docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash"


"su - piler"FATAL: no tables found in config file '/etc/piler/manticore.conf'

and then

"/usr/libexec/piler/indexer.delta.sh" or "/usr/libexec/piler/indexer.main.sh"

i get the following error:

"FATAL: no tables found in config file '/etc/piler/manticore.conf'"

Can anyone give me some advise how to investigate further?



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