"David A. Desrosiers" wrote:
>         So... add this to the growing conduit list. I'm going to contact
> them with the idea of helping us support their Pad under linux. I could
> probably whip up a desktop that matched theirs pretty quickly in Perl::Tk
> (ala XPalm Desktop), but that's not the best. (JPilot again? =) We have
> our choice of tools for this: gtk+, Qt, wxWindows, fltk, Java.

I've got as much work as I can handle, but I can help some, answer
questions, etc.
Does anyone want to fund my J-Pilot habit? :)

>         Does anyone else have this pad? Wanna team up for some hacking?

I've seen it, it looks cool.  The lack of conduits on my choice of OS
dis-interested me in it.

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