
I using BBDB 2.2 and tried latest version of SyncBBDB last night (with
Palm Vx, OS 3.5.2).  I used it with `bootstrap' command, since I can't
get PilotManager working because of some Perl modules problems.

The syncs go well, and I got my .bbdb into the Palm.  However, some
common fields from the .bbdb didn't find their way into the palm's
address book.

For example, *some* phone numbers' modifiers were not imported (were
imported with an empty modifier).  Fields `fax' were not imported.
Only one email out of a list usually found its way in.

Does capitalization matter for the field names?  For example, in some
records in .bbdb I got duplicate phone fields, titled `Work' and
`work'.  Custom field ICQ didn't work, and neither did `birthday'
(SyncBBDB thought the ICQ was a phone number).

Finally, at least one record got messed up in the following way:

I had a contact in .bbdb with whole lotta fields (work and home
addresses, work and home phone numbers, fax number etc.).  I then
discovered that the only info that found its way into the palm's
address book were his name, address, and one telephone (without a
modifier).  I then edited the record on the palm (just chose `Work'
modifier for the phone number), and then synced with `bootstrap'
again.  I then observed that all the `extra' fields dissappeared from
my .bbdb!

Do I need to do some extra configuration for the utility?

Many thanks,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.
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