** Reply to note from "Dr. Robert J. Meier" <bob@[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thu, 7 Dec 2000 
20:38:11 -0500

one of our customers has KodakPP, and, he is very happy with it; he emailed
me some images, I thought they were OK for such a small , cheap camera.

> I am interested in an inexpensive digital camera.  Low resolution 
> (VGA) is acceptable.  I have a Palm IIIe. 
>       Do you have any recommendations? 
>       Do you have any disrecommendations? 
>       Have you used the Kodak PalmPix? 
>       From the PalmPix catalog entry, 
> I suspect that the image is uploaded in bmp or jpeg and is thus usable with 
> linux. 
>       Is this correct?

no idea.... but the images he emailed me were PC files, so, I guess, yes

on a similar subject:

how does one convert/transfer a JPEG /GIF/whatever image file from PC to
Palm ?

and, if I wanted a street map, something like from whereis.com; what does
one use to get such an image onto palm ? Plucker ?

Voytek Eymont
SBT Information Systems Pty Ltd
phone +61-2 9310-1144 fax +61-2 9310-1118 
Only 12 shopping days left till Xmas or
14 days for you heathens shopping on Sundays :) 

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