** Reply to note from "David A. Desrosiers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tue, 19 Dec 2000 
09:11:50 -0800 (PST)

> Probably not. I posted a message awhile back about getting OS/2 
> testers to help me with the code. Nobody raised their hands. I was just 
> about to nuke it out of the tree until I saw your message this week. 

hmmm, never saw that... must've been during my brief period of

>       I don't have my OS/2 machine any longer, nor do I have Watcom C++ 
> around on the drives that had Warp on them. If anyone wants to give me 
> some time on their machine, or an OS/2 shell, or port this code for me, 
> I'd be grateful. I'll roll it into the final 0.9.5 release.


I don't have Watcomm C++, or, for that matter, any C++, though, I'd willing
to install whatever it needs or takes, if that would help;

I do have Warp machine, or two, or three; and, I do have a lot of
unopened DevCon CDs...

I suspect you'll get better offers, though, in case you need access to an
OS/2 machine, you're welcomed here

Voytek Eymont
SBT Information Systems Pty Ltd
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