Dear everyone,
        I encounter a problem in pilotSSLeay-2.01 library.
1. I have tried to use RSA library to generate key (128bits, 256bits,
1024bits), the result is satisfactory.

2. Then I tried to use the generated RSA structure to do
RSA_public_encrypt, I succeed in 128bits key, but was failed in 256bits
and 1024 bits key. (Plaintext : Hello)

The error message in my Palm Emulator is:
"Crypt Test(program name)"has just written directly to memory manager data
This problem indicates an error in the application. Users should upgrade
this product immediately to safeguard their data.

3. I also succeed in RSA_private_decrypt by using 128 bits key.

Information: I use POSE emulator, PalmVx Rom, sdk 3.5, prc-tools-0.5.0,
gcc-, pilotSSLeay-2.01. 
If you need my test program to help me, pls email me....>_<;;
        I want to ask if there was anyone succeed in using 1024 bits key
to encrypt something by using pilotSSLeay-2.01 library? Pls help me ....


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