> Looking at the html source there don't appear to be any options listed
> for the category dropdown...

        Not sure how that is possible, because the following php code is
what is executed to populate the list:

        <td><? echo $s_choose_project ?>:</td>
        <td><select name=f_project_id>
               <? print_project_option_list() ?>

        And that gets populated with a mysql query which is executed thus:

function print_project_option_list($p_project_id = "")
        global $g_project_table, $g_project_cookie_val;

        $query = "SELECT id, name
            FROM $g_project_table
            WHERE enabled = 'on' AND view_state = 'public'
            ORDER BY name ";
        $result = db_query($query);
        $project_count = db_num_rows($result);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $project_count; $i++) {
                $row = db_fetch_array($result);
                extract($row, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "v");

                if ($p_project_id == $v_id) {
                        PRINT "<option value=\"$v_id\" SELECTED>$v_name";
                } else {
                        PRINT "<option value=\"$v_id\">$v_name";

        And since php is NOT executed on the client, there's no way that
that code is NOT being parsed at all. Unless of course, your client is
chewing up the HTML and spitting it out as something else. I use Netscape
4.77 as my primary browser here, cut way down in extra components and
toolbars for speed, but also tried it with Opera, Skipstone, Galeon, IE4 and
IE6, as well as Mozilla 0.9.1, and it works with all of them.

        One additional clue would be that the page itself or the server is
so heavily loaded that the php code is never executed, but if that were the
case, you would also see missing </body> and </html> tags to end the page
(meaning the communication to the server was truncated in transit). I've
only seen this with the two slashdottings we've received, but that's not the
case here. Check that for me and let me know. Do a 'View->Source' and send
me (privately, not to the list, please) the exact HTML content that you see,
and I'll take a look.

        If you delete any cache you have, and remove your cookies file
(AFTER closing all instances of your browser down), and try again, does the
selection list appear? What about if you disable Javascript and CSS? I'm not
sure what could cause that behavior not to display on your end, but I can
verify that the data is definately being sent to your browser in the request
for it.


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