I was tinkering around last night and ported the pilotSSLeay stuff
from the 0.8.1 patch to the "latest" (1998) 0.9.0b version, and rolled it
into the 4.0 SDK instead of the 3.1 SDK which it was developed against. It
was a mess, and since SSLeay is deprecated (and not GPL), I was wondering if
Ian Goldberg (are you on this list, your other email address bounces) or
anyone else is interested in these crypto libs for the Palm being built
against OpenSSL/Openssh instead.. "Current" pilotSSLeay produces:

        Blowfish Library.prc
        CAST Library.prc
        DES Library.prc
        DSA Library.prc
        IDEA Library.prc
        MD Library.prc (md2)
        MD5 Library.prc
        MTI Library.prc
        RAND Library.prc
        RC2 Library.prc
        RC4 Library.prc
        RC5 Library.prc
        RSA Library.prc
        SHA Library.prc

        I'd love to throw these into LibCrypto.prc instead, ala OpenSS{n}

        Has anyone done this? I poked around on usenet, gopher, and the web,
with not much luck, lots of dead urls to sites dealing with it a few years
ago, but nothing near-current.


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