> If you need the data pronto, it could be modified to read your XML data.

Nah, the data is 5+ years old - the one thing I'd still pull out of it
is the "birthday" datebook entries, I think...

(digging through old bits) The DTD itself was actually derived
automatically from the "generic database" header that the HP apps
used... simple enough, since a database was a set of records, and a
record had a set of fields with options listed in the header.  No
sync-related information got stored.  (also not that interesting
unless there's someone out there still using an HP100 or 200; the
"newest" data I have is from October 1996, and really if I haven't
converted it yet I probably don't need it :-)  At the time I'd hoped
that a general PIM-interchange DTD might come out of it, but didn't
get that far.  (I even appear to have written simple DSSSL style
sheets for conversion back then :-)

                        _Mark_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                        The Herd Of Kittens

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