On Mon, Dec 24, 2001 at 12:08:59AM +0000, Sean Buckley wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> This is my first post to this list. I recently upgraded to a Palm m505 from 
> an original Palm Pro, and I'm currently working my way through getting the 
> USB connection set up.
The Palm m505 is ma first PDA and in this way I try to get a connection to 
my linux system at first time.
> I checked the Palm OS Desktop HOWTO on linuxdoc.org, and it's very out of 
> date, so I thought I'd write up my experiences as I go along and update the 
> HOWTO. I've registered my interest on the linuxdoc mailing list, and I'm in 
> the process of learning docbook.
> So, if anyone has any ideas for what should be in the HOWTO, I'd like to 
> hear them, either on the list or as private email. Once I've got a draft 
> written, I'll post a link for comments.
This is really a good idea. I tell you the information I missed.

At first we need the kernel support with the usb moduls (usbcore, usbuhci,
usbserial, visor. Which parameter are needed for installing the moduls?
Is there a "best way" to configure the moduls?

The tools pilot-link are very useful in various ways, but I don't find a
good description about the tools.

Whats about ppp connection? is ppp-connection needed for normal hotsync?
Whats about Internet connections?
> Thanks in advance,
> Sean Buckley.
Thanks for your work

A nice Christmas for all.

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