Hi Andre,

Thanks for the detailed explanations! I understand. In fact, Karl Hong and I had talked about creating some sort TCM info page, where people who have no access to TCM yet can still get an idea what they're signing up for. We thought some screen captures of TCM, brief explanation of each functions, and user rights, and the like, would be a good thing to have on OO.o website. It's just that recently we've been preoccupied with other things here. Do you think this is matching you were trying to do? If so, we can make such a web page/Writer document together, if you need help. Let me check on my side, whether there's any legal restriction in doing these.


Andre Schnabel wrote:

Hi Young,

But even with these test cases (in Writer format), you'd want to know
the test result, wouldn't you?

Well .. that's the problem, right.

Giving access to TCM doesn't take much
time at all, so I wonder if having Writer format of test cases (perhaps,
eventually, multiple evolved copies) will be so ideal. What do you think?

"Giving access" is easy (speaking about the tast to create the user within TCM).
The problem is, that many people ask "what ist this testing about", "hoe do those testcases look like", "how long will it take to go through the tests" ... Many people want to know that, before they become "official testers".
So .. most easy answer is "look at some testcases and play around". ATM, you need to have TCM access, just to play around. And this still means, you need to sign the JCA .. and the JCA needs to be accepted (and made visible) by SUN.

For all this, people tell me, that it is really fast, if it takes only 2 weeks. But only few people wait 2 weeks, just to see, what it would look like, to do something. .. ther is enough, what you can do ans start immediately.

The other problem is, that there is some work to do, before granting TCM access (talk to people, look, if the JCA is signed ...). This takes some time .. but if this time has been spent, people look at TCM and find, that they are not able to help testing, this time has been wasted.

Anyway .. testing is not going bad at the moment. Germanophone team has 13 testers, some of them really active. So it's ok, if we don't have the writer docs.


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