----- Original Message -----
From: "Shannon Stoney" <shannonsto...@earthlink.net>

> Hi, just wondered if people ever put paper negatives in the enlarger.  If
> so, are there any problems with it?

If the question were: is it doable?  my answer is yes and I have done it
once, mainly out of curiosity.  I loaded a 35mm disposable camera with a
piece of MGIV and then enlarged the resulting paper negative to 6"x6" size.
You can see the result here: http://members.rogers.com/penate/doll6x6.jpg ,
BTW, the inset negative doesn't have the same proportions of the 6x6 print.

I personal don't see a reason to enlarge paper negatives (any size)
regularly, I'd rather shoot paper the size of the intended final print and
contact print them after.


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