
Rescued more stuff (prevented demise in trash) from work.

1)   4 x 20 packs of refrigerated out-of date (2000) Polacolor 59 ER 4x5
film. I understand this stuff shifts blue with reciprocity failure as well
as aging. Will a yellow filter improve this? Or should I just play with it?

2) alt-process question - that list was too active for me to keep up with
reading and I unsubscribed. I  don't want  to resub for one question.

I was just given a 12"x18" (13"x22" glass) portable UV exposure unit, only
used once or twice and stored 10 years.

has six F20T12/350BL lamps close-spaced, no diffuser about 1" from 1/4"
glass contact frame.

Is this a good candidate for argyrotype/kallitytpe etc.? Had it been a high
power metal halide or mercury lamp I'd be concerned about the heat
generated. I don't know of BL lamps work for this with practical exposure
times or BLB are required.

Thank you


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