Thanks for making these available, Nick. A great contribution of history and information!

- Gregg

On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 03:24  PM, Nick Dvoracek wrote:

My interlibrary loan wizards have been busy and I've come up with more articles referred to by D'Arcy Powers in "Advanced pinhole photography" which I've put on-line at

The collection now includes

Pinhole (Lensless) Photography by Reverend J.B.Thomson (1901).
An issue of the The Photo-Miniature, a general photography magazine published from 1899 to 1936. "Straightforward and plainly told" explanation of pinhole photography, including how-to instructions and even a section on stereo photography. 50 pages, 5.5. x 8.5 inches (PDF - 2.6MB)

Advanced Pinhole Photography by H. D'Arcy Power (1905)
Another issue of The Photo-Miniature. He approaches pinhole photography not as "an optical problem or scientific hobby", but from a "practical standpoint" to "produce pictures with a serious purpose". 45 pages, 5.5. x 8 inches (PDF - 2.9MB)

Stenopaic or Pin-hole Photography by Frederick Wm.Mills and Archibald C. Ponton (1895) In addition to the advancement of the Greek term stenope for pin-hole, according to D'Arcy Power it is "chiefly notable for its profusion of algebraic calculations." Reviews lots of other work on optimum pinhole size, angle of view and exposure. 28 pages, 5.5. x 8 inches (PDF - > 1MB)

Photographie sans objectif. (1889)
This file was sent to me by Jean-Louis Thiry of Montauban, France. It is a column from an 1889 French magazine called “La Nature” which dealt with any kind of scientific matters. My French is "tres mal" almost to the point of non-existence, but I can recognize that they're talking about some familiar issues. I think it reviews the work of Captain R.Colson who is refered to by all three of the above authors. The example photograph is a stereo pair. 4 pages (PDF - 890K)

This is a little off topic, but I've been playing with Quicktime VR and had fun doing a self portrait that can be seen at (MOV - 664K). I fess up to using lenses.

Nick Dvoracek                                          
Director of Media Services                              Voice: 920-424-7363
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh         Fax:   920-424-7324

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